
Friday, December 28, 2012

Working from home

Lot of people nowadays are searching for ways to earn by working from home. If you do a simple search on the internet then you will find lots of site who give various options and give lots of false promise. Some even say you will be a millionaire in next few years by working from home (Great isn't it?).

Working from home is not an option if below is true for you:
  • You want to be a millionaire or a rich person in next few years.
  • You want to leave your regular job and want to work form home full time. 

But yes if you want to earn some cash to pay your bills or need money for pocket expenses then working from home could be an option.

There are few genuine websites which can help you make money from home. Note: Don't go for websites which asks you for money before working for them.

Here are few options for you:-

1) If you have some specific skills like Programming Language,content writing etc. then you can work as a freelancer.

There are lot of websites where you can register for free and apply for suitable freelancing jobs.

Some of the top freelancing websites are: -

2) If you are a non-technical person then check out this great site from Amazon . Mturk or Amazon Mechanical Turk is a leader in work from home jobs. This site can help you earn some decent money. Click here to start making money now.

3) Selling items in Amazon or Ebay is also another way to earn some money. There could be lot of items in your home which you are not using and want to get rid of. For example, an old mobile phone, mixer grinder, toys etc. 

You can also sell new items. If you know of anyone who can sell you items in a bulk at cheap price then you can buy those items and then sell it on Amazon for little higher price. This will help you to make some profit.

4) Writing blogs or blogging is also another way. Some popular sites where you can start writing blogs are Blogger,Wordpress and Bravenet etc.

Personally, I prefer Blogger more than any other as you can easily display Ads by setting up an Adsense account. Its easy and seamless.

5) Take part in online surveys or do website reviews. This is also a good way to earn some money.

Hope this helps...Happy money making :-)

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