
Friday, February 3, 2012

Aliens - case study

Universe is so vast with millions of stars, planets and galaxies in it, isn't it foolishness to think that we are alone in this vast Universe?

Many scientists agree that there could be life in different forms in different planets. There are also arguments among scientific communities that Mars and one of the satellites orbiting Saturn called as Titan could be having water and more importantly life over or below the surface of these planets. If there is such a high probability of life in our solar system where we have only nine genuine planets then isn't it also possible that life could be there in other planets beyond our solar system?

What if life is present in other planets? Why have they not contacted us? 
Well there could be many reasons for this:
  1. Life could be in different forms like in the form of bacteria, aquatic animals or in some other less intelligent forms. So in this case there is no way they can contact us.
  2. In some planets life could be as intelligent as humans. In this case they may also be trying to reach us or they could be intelligent like us but less advanced than us (Imagine our society few hundred years back).
  3. In some planets they could be thousand times more advanced and lot more intelligent than us. In this case there are very good chances that they have already visited us and are still visiting us.
Now, lets focus on the third case and see if this is a genuine case. An intelligent and advanced life form will have some basic characteristic which could be as follows: - 
  • They may have already invented advanced robots, computers and technology (Like much discussed Nano technology) which is beyond our understanding. 
  • They may have learned there lessons from wars or there civilization is so strong that no one else were able to defeat them.
  • They may have gained knowledge to live longer.
  • They may have strong telepathic, telekinetic intuitive abilities.
  • They may have gained deep understanding of the universe and beyond.
So if they are so advanced then definitely they would have tried to go beyond their planetary systems and would have been successful in communicating with other intelligent forms near to their planetary systems.

There is a possibility that earth is very very far from these planetary systems with advanced life forms. In this case they may be tracking us with some advance unmanned crafts like present day drones as it could be too costly for them to travel here themselves.

There is also a possibility of them visiting us in their physical forms (If they have found out that its worth). In this case they may have contacted some people and vouched them for secrecy as it may create social disturbance if revealed or they will reveal themselves when the time comes.

I am posting here some very good videos on UFOs. Please watch these and post your comments.

UFO's over London: -

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